Friday, May 22, 2009

Love Affair Workshop

So, I did it. I bit the bullet and clicked the "register" button for the love affair workshop in Atlanta, Georgia. Of course I talked to Kevin first, and of course we both kind of hyperventilated when I told him the price. But, we're committed to making this new little business of ours viable, and we both figure it's better to learn from other people's trial and error mistakes than make them all ourselves. Like I've heard several times before, "Why reinvent the wheel"?

So, in July, I'll head to hot and humid Atlanta where I will learn from 4 wonderful and SUCCESSFUL photographers who will hopefully help me reach my photography goals. I have a vision for this little baby of a business, and I can use all the help I can get lifting it off the ground. Plus, all of you know how over-obsessed I am about making my pictures look as good as possible. They are going to help me in 2 ways with that. First, they are going to help me make my pictures look more amazing. And second, they are going to help teach me ways to keep my obsession from taking over my life and my time with my hot husband and cute kiddo.

And last, I get to eat Chick-fil-A. I almost would have bought the plane ticket and paid the workshop fee for that alone. So, first opportunity I get, I'll be trekking to the nearest Chick-fil-A for some good, ol' fashioned fried chicken goodness...I can almost hear the hallelujah chorus already! (It's been over a year since I've laid into one of their sandwiches!)

Anyway, I am SO EXCITED about this trip on so many levels. First, I get to visit the US of A again (because I'm a little homesick for the familiar), second, there's chick-fil-a, third, it's a trip ALL TO MYSELF to relax from the 4 months of being super mom while Kevin's been deployed, and fourth, it will be so nice to have a successful professional answer all of my questions that have been clanging around in my head for the past 2 years. I've been writing them all down so that I don't miss a single one. And, last...I get to do nothing but photography for an entire solid week without an ounce of guilt and hopefully I'll come home feeling like I can conquer the world...and help get myself geared up to meet all of those goals I've made for this year!

So, check out their website and's awesome. Just reading it pumps me up! And about the name, it's a workshop for women who have a "love affair" with life, their families, photography, and so many other things. The workshop is about sorting out all of our different loves so that we can live life and build our business to the fullest.


Melissa Kay said...


I love your senior sessions--so many fabulous locations and beautiful colors! I can't wait for Love Affair. I'll look forward to meeting you!

teri hales said...

Thanks, Melissa. I can't wait to meet everyone! It will be SO AWESOME to be in a roomfull of photographers for 3 whole days and not feel like I'm boring the socks off of someone because I'm talking about photography yet again. (I seriously need to get a life!)

Teaworthy said...

I am so excited to meet you! Your work is beautiful and we have so much in common that I found myself reading your posts and saying "me too!" a lot. Safe travels!