Friday, May 15, 2009

Baby Jack

Meet Jack. He is a wiggly, wriggly cutie pie that I had the privilege of photographing today. I love his little wrinkle on the bridge of his nose. I could have photographed that all day long! But, he was pretty ready for us to be done taking his pictures by the end of it all.


Meredith Haag said...

Cheria looks so BEAUTIFUL! And Jack is the cutest little guy!!!

The Rivers' said...

That's my little nephew there. Thank you so much! You're a wonderful photographer! You made me cry, these pictures were so fantastic. Cheria is very lucky to have you near to be able to have this done. I wish there were some way to bring you out here so you could do my sons pictures. He's just few weeks older than Jack. Again, thank you!