The 4 gals sent us bags of goodies and flowers in our room on Monday afternoon. We got salt and sugar scrub for the bath and a whole TON of candy. When we walked in from Chick-fil-a and saw these cute things, both of us whipped out our cameras PRONTO and started shooting pics. (It's so nice to be rooming with someone who is as addicted to my camera as I am).
The sign for the spa. They also made the lemon-sage soap in our room, which smells wonderful.
The bar (that our finale was supposed to take place in, but which we were kicked out of last minute because American Idol decided to come to town. They'll be here Thursday).
My roomie, Sara, checking out the internet situation. This was us, lounging on our awesome and comfortable beds before we hit Chick-fil-a for some much needed fried chicken goodness.
It's finally's finally happening. I'm at the Love Affair workshop in Atlanta, Georgia living it up and learning alot with 59 other photographers. Millie Holloman, Davina Fear, Kelly Moore Clark, and the fabulous Lauren Clark are our wonderful teachers. We're staying at the beautifully modern W Midtown in Atlanta. The hotel is gorgeous! I don't think I've ever stayed in such a swanky hotel in my life. I feel totally pampered. Above are some pictures of our awesome hotel room and some shots we snuck of the lobby before the crazy receptionist made us stop taking pictures. I've still been sneaking my camera around and shooting pictures anyway.
I've met a group of girls that are alot of fun. My roommate, Sara Dawson, is one of them and totally cool. We stayed up last night editing these pictures until midnight. I promised her I would sleep in...but jetlag kicked in and I was wide awake at 6 am. I snuck out of the room in my workout clothes and decided to hit the gym before breakfast. It felt so good to get my body moving and sweating so early in the morning...I just may start a new trend. I feel so alive today. I should do it more often. In fact, one of the things we were encouraged to do today was to put things like that at the BEGINNING of the day before inundating ourselves with work. Oh...and to make our bed. Oh...and about a million other things.
Today I learned some rockin' photoshop techniques, how to cut my workload in half and still have fabulous pictures and I got to watch the ladies as they did a shoot with models. The best thing about this workshop has been networking with other photographers and getting to brainstorm ideas and techniques. I also have loved how personal our instructors are. Right now we're hanging out in the lounge, talking about things...and I'm about to learn how to get my workflow going in Adobe Bridge. Can't wait. Which...having said that, means I should probably go. There's so much to learn.